
The word “habit” sounds ordinary, and it may also remind you of all those poems from preschool about waking up early, being neat and clean, making your bed, etc. however, this word masks the depth of its concept. We have never really tried to discover its dimensions. So now the question is, What is the truth of this word? What is it based on?. Habits are seen in all living organisms like snakes following the same path and ants walking in a straight line, and birds going back to their nests after sunset. Every organism follows a pattern, then what makes humans so special? The fact that we can develop new habits is the biggest superpower. But as we know, with great power comes great responsibility. This ability to develop habits makes it complicated, so to make it easier to decipher, it is further classified into two categories, ‘good ‘and’ bad’. Good habits can make you successful, triumphant, and profitable, but bad habits can bring you down to nothing, a void, or the end. Studies show that it usually takes 21 days for a habit to develop. Good habits have been a key to greatness for many successful men. Even after being the greatest actor for decades, Amitabh Bacchan has a happy habit of arriving at least 1 hour early on set, and he was appreciated by many because this habit displayed his passion for acting. Habits are indeed fuelled by your passion or interest in the field related to it.

 “Atomic Habits” by James Clear is a book about how the habit of going to the gym and sleeping early helped Clear overcome his life-turning accident and boosted his physical strength to such a level that he became the best at his game. Clear states “Habits are compound interest gains”. This means that giving up on your habits can cause such a big difference even for a single day.

For example, if you decide to sleep for 6 hrs a day, now a lazy day with 8 hrs of sleep may seem insignificant, but what if you sleep for 8 hrs every day? That will be about 10 days a month, and 4 months a year. All this will add up to one-third of your life. Now, if you spend so much time sleeping, how will you ever find time for productive, lucrative work? Every drop of your actions counts, say if you decide to improve by 0.1% of each day, for a year, you will be 3 times better than you were a year ago. If one habit of yours benefits society or even the person close to you or next to you, it will make a huge difference. Even a tiny habit of greeting everyone with a smile on your face or a “good morning” may make one’s day better. These habits cause a chain of good things which eventually comes back to you with positive energy. 

Now let us consider the bad habits. Bad habits are also known as Addiction of any kind, and It could be alcohol, drugs, or even something as small as your phone, which can cause problematic side effects in one’s life. On average, children ages 8-12 in the US spends 4-6 hours watching or using screens, and teens spend up to 9 hours. Now let us consider that 50% of it is academic-related, but the other half i.e., more than 4 hours we spend scrolling on Instagram, Youtube, and Tik Tok, which are not taking us anywhere. We give our time to our social media, and what do we get in return? Jealousy, the anxiety of missing out or being late on college deadlines, insecurities, and the habit of spending precious, quality time online. These habits can be very well explained by gravitation, and it is hard to jump higher due to gravity and easy to sit down just like that it is hard to develop good beneficial habits and easy to give in. but to sore higher into space and emerge victoriously we need to beat our gravitation, and habits are our space shuttles. 

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Blog Credits:   Samta Raka (FY manufacturing,112113048)

                          (Team Fun Fact Friday)









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