
Showing posts from March, 2023

Is It Possible To Sneeze With Your Eyes Open?

You've probably heard the rumor that you can't sneeze with your eyes open because your eyes will pop out if you do. Is it impossible to sneeze with your eyes open? Let's find out in today's blog.   You've probably noticed that whenever you sneeze, your eyes automatically close right before you sneeze; most of us learn this eye-popping rumor, and honestly, and luckily it's a myth, your eyes will definitely not pop out. Fear not, fellow sneezers! The act of sneezing — also known as sternutation — will not cause your eyes to pop out, even if you do sneeze with your eyes open. If you sneeze, your eyes close just before a sneeze as an involuntary reflex; the brain sends a signal to the eye muscles telling them to close without you ever having to think about it. But why do our eyes automatically close? Experts can't say for sure, but many believe it could be a reflex that keeps all the icky stuff we sneeze out. Sneezing is just a way for your body to get rid of...